
NDA Upcoming Events


Please note that all official information regarding Annual Convetion & Expo, NDA Quarterly Member Meetings, NDA Foundations of Demolition series, or other programs will come from NDA Headquarters with an email address. Please disregard any communications coming from companies offering hotels, travel, etc. as they are not working in conjunction with NDA. NDA cannot verify the authenticity of such companies or their representations, and will not be able to provide a resolution to issues related to such reservations. Feel free to contact NDA if you have any questions. We would appreciate passing along any visual misuse of NDA’s logo policy to

Save the Date: Fall 2024 Quarterly Member Meeting
October 4-5, 2024 • Ashville, NC

Save the Date:Foundation of Demolition Risk Management
October 23, 2024 • Chicago, IL

Save the Date: Foundation of Demolition Estimating
October 24-25, 2024 • Chicago, IL  

Save the Date: Winter 2025 Quarterly Member Meeting
January 3-4, 2025 • Sarasota, FL

Save the Date: Demolition New Orleans Annual Convention & Expo
March 5-8, 2025 • New Orleans, LA

Save the Date: Demolition Phoenix Annual Convention & Expo
February 4-7, 2026 • Phoenix, AZ

Industry Events

World Demolition Summit - NDA members receive a 20 percent discount registration. Contact Greg Roberts, or alternately use discount code NDA20 at checkout. Click here to register.

November 6-7, 2024 • Münchenbryggeriet, Sweden Stockholm.

World of Concrete
January 20-23, 2025 • Las Vegas, NV

March 3-7, 2026 • Las Vegas, NV

For more information on upcoming meetings please contact 
